Workshop on ‘Documentation and Conservation of Gilded Metal Repousse’

The Indian National Trust for the Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) is organizing a training and capacity building workshop on ‘Documentation and Conservation of Gilded Metal Repousse’ in collaboration with Embassy of India in Kathmandu and CLPIU (Building and Housing), Government of Nepal. This workshop is part of a series of training and capacity building workshop being organized by INTACH as part of the ongoing Government of India funded and Government of Nepal implemented Post-Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Earthquake Affected Cultural Heritage Sites in Nepal.
The workshop is being organized from 7-8th April 2022 at the Seto Macchindranath temple premises in Kathmandu. The Seto Macchindranath temple is one of the 28 cultural heritage projects being funded by Government of India for post-earthquake conservation with the Government of Nepal implementing it through CLPIU (Building and Housing) and INTACH providing technical expertise for the project. The 2015 Gorkha earthquake impacted the temple structure and its artworks including decorative gilded metal works. The workshop is aimed at highlighting the methodology and important stages of conservation of gilded metal repousse work following international conservation guidelines and practices and integrating it with traditional practices in Nepal.
The workshop was inaugurated on 7th April 2021 in the presence of Smt Nishi Arora, Second Secretary, Embassy of India in Kathmandu, Shri Neel Kaji Shakya, Ward Chief, Jana Bahal, Kathmandu, and Shri Koshnath Adhikari, Project Director CLPIU, Govt of Nepal. The 2-day workshop will bring together speakers and multidisciplinary participants from Nepal and India including officials from CLPIU, Department of Archaeology, Govt of Nepal, technical personnel’s involved in the ongoing conservation works at Seto Machindranath temple as well as local community and stakeholders involved in the project.
The technical sessions include an introduction to the history & development of Buddhist art and iconography in Nepal, documentation and assessment of metal art objects, and current practices in gilded metal conservation. Practical session conducted by INTACH focus on documentation, condition assessment of metal art objects and report preparation.
The conference is providing an opportunity for knowledge exchange and demonstrating recent advances made in metal art conservation including documentation and conservation of gilded metal repousse works in the context of Seto Macchindranath temple in Kathmandu under the technical guidance of INTACH.