Presentation on Adalat Bhawan DPR to Department of Archaeology Officials

A meeting was held at the office of the Director General, Department of Archaeologyon 21st December 2020. The meeting was held to discuss INTACH’s DPR proposal for Adalat Bhawan. The meeting attended by Dr Prafulla Chandra Sharma, Counsellor (DP& R), EOI, Kumuda Pokhrel, EOI; Shri Shyam Kishore Singh, Project Director, CLPIU; Shri Koshnath Adhikari, Deputy Project Director, CLPIU; Shri Gopal Bhattarai, Engineer (CLPIU), Shri Suresh Shrestha (DOA), Shri Kaji Pokhreyel (DOA) and Shri Rohit Ranjitkar (KVPT). INTACH team made a detailed presentation on INTACH’s Adalat Bhawan DPR proposals.